Welcome! Thanks for visiting and I hope you're having a blessed day.
To eliminate possible confusion, it's important for you to understand that as of today, nothing has been published with a traditional publisher - yet. I'm pretty much finished with the first novel, but need a little time to figure out the next step to take.
The vast changes in the publishing world in which anyone who wants to be an author today, is far different from the "days when you just wrote, submitted your manuscript, then waited for an acceptance or rejection". So, with much prayer and the Lord's guidance, I'm figuring it all out, but expecting a final decision as to what to do soon.
Thanks for all of the encouragement along the current journey - please stay tuned!
J.R. MAYHUGH JR. (who goes by "Jim") is a soldier, teacher, and resolute seeker of the truth, whose daydreaming mind oftentimes causes him to stare at the clouds, fueling his desire to fly like a bird - or an angel. His career as a soldier was full of adventures and travels, to include "jumping out of perfectly good airplanes". He taught high school English to over 3,500 amazing young people for more than two decades. His new season in life is mapped out for writing YA novels, children's books, and traveling the world (but this time staying safely buckled within the confines of the perfectly good airplane). Above all, he loves serving God with the awesome blessing of living in sunny Arizona.
BIRTHPLACE: Columbus, Indiana.
PRONUNCIATION OF LAST NAME: The "May" part is of course easy, but the "hugh" sounds like "you" but with an "h" in front of it - well you get the point.
THE "JR" THAT COMES AFTER MAYHUGH: I was named after my dad, so I get the extra moniker - "Junior" (JR.).
FAMILY: Married to my best friend since 1977. We have 3 incredible children and 7 extraordinary grandkids.
EDUCATION: Carbondale Community High School , Carbondale, Illinois. Bachelor of Science Degree in Social Science and a Minor in Speech from Northern Arizona University; Post-Baccalaureate Degree in Secondary Education and a Minor in English from Arizona State University; Master’s Degree (with honors) in Secondary Education with an emphasis in Reading from Northern Arizona University.
SOLDIER TIME: Served in the U.S. Army as an enlisted in Military Intelligence at Fort Bragg, NC. Served as an officer in the U.S. Army in Military Intelligence (in various places). Performed duties in the final days of Operation Desert Storm, at Camp Doha, Kuwait. Placed in the inactive reserves after leaving active duty, then later promoted to Major before entering the retired reserves.
FAVORITE AUTHORS: The One who wrote the Bible (2 Timothy 3:16). The other list starts with C.S. Lewis.
FAVORITE HOBBY: Watching movies with my wife at just about any theater (popcorn is mandatory!)
SOME FAVORITE MOVIES: No Time For Sergeants, The Chronicles of Narnia, Jesus Revolution.
FAVORITE STUDIES: 1.) The Bible from cover to cover 2.) Eschatology in God's Word 3.) Conspiracy Theories (pretty much any of them) 4.) The Books of Enoch
FAVORITE DEVOTIONAL: My Utmost For His Highest, by Oswald Chambers.
CURRENT FAVORITE FOOD: Thai food is awesome! (but if I see a burger joint on the way to the Thai food place - well ... then sometimes I just have to "flip a coin"!)