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Nov - Dec  2021

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The Book of Enoch?

The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls in 1947 were a pivotal moment in the Judeo-Christian world. They were physical proof of the 39 books in the Old Testament of today’s Protestant Bible, except for the Book of Esther (meaning 38 books were confirmed). Today’s Bible of 66 books, because it includes 27 more books, called the New Testament, was approved in total at the Council of Carthage in 397 A.D. and upheld at the Council of Trent in 1545. But one book that’s not included in the Bible, yet fragments of it were found in the Dead Sea Scrolls along with the first 38, is the Book of Enoch. To this day to speak of it in the company of Christians creates a controversial atmosphere because of its exclusion from the current Bible. But did you know that there is a Bible in Ethiopia that’s been used since 1238 that includes the Book of Enoch?


The Book of Enoch includes various topics such as fallen angels, God’s storehouses for rain and snow (Job 38:22), the shape of the earth, and many other topics that would be tough for teachers of the Bible today to try and explain. But a fascinating detail to dwell upon is the fact that even the apostles referred to Enoch (who hasn’t died yet according to Genesis 5:24 and reiterated in Hebrews 11:5), numerous times, yet his teachings are not taught in the mainstream of Christianity – interesting?!


One thing is for sure – Soon and very soon, the truth will be exposed. What do you think?

Illustration from the 1728 Figures de la Bible; illustrated by Gerard Hoet (1648–1733)
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Welcome to the THE WONDERMENT, Nov - Dec 2021 edition. In The Secrets of Sethalon, fallen angels attempt to replace the current king of Sethalon with a false "king" named Zedek, who is the half human, half fallen angel son of the highest ranking fallen angel in all of creation. But why would the fallen use the character Zedek, instead of a full fallen angel? 

The ancient book of Enoch tells of a child born to Noah's (book of Genesis in the Bible) younger brother Nir, which was named Melchizedek. To even speak of this chapter from the book places it into the category of a firestorm topic, which can cause peoples eyebrows to push towards the center of their forehead.

Book 2 is underway (about 3 chapters so far), and the outline for Book 3 has begun.

I'll give you more inside information of the current book in each bi-monthly (every other month) edition of THE WONDERMENT
So please stay tuned and tell your friends. Thanks for visiting - have a blessed day!  

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