Why does it seem that evil continues to increase, to include helping those "in charge" gain more power and wealth without hinderance?
Written by JR Mayhugh Jr
Satan has an agenda that’s mapped out in the Bible from Genesis all the way to Revelation 19. The insidious plan is to become like God and rule the earth, at the same time tickling the ears of anyone who wants to follow along. He will be successful in achieving his plot at the middle of the Tribulation when he enters the rebuilt Jewish temple and declares to the world that he is God, at the same time inhabiting the body of his son the antichrist. If we take the time to dwell upon the events over the years, we can see the “abomination of desolation” (Daniel 9:27 & Matthew 24:15-16), which the prophet Daniel and Jesus Himself talked about, approaching at lightning speed. So I believe that so far, we can see the steps towards this goal heading forward without much hinderance. But why is he allowed to be so successful as he drudges along killing, stealing and destroying as much as possible? Or maybe even more to the point, why does he seem to have the upper hand and accomplish his wish with few obstacles?
Currently, the globalists are using the phrases New World Order or One World Government so much so, that some believe we are already there (as in the new world order). The only problem to that end, is the United States and its prospering economy must end according to the World Economic Forum who blatantly pronounced in their one world government agenda known as the “Great Reset”. Will they be successful? Absolutely. But why – isn’t God in charge?
Take a look at Revelation 17:16-17:
16 And the ten horns which you saw, and the beast, these will hate the prostitute and will make her desolate and naked, and will eat her flesh and will burn her up with fire. 17 For God has put it in their hearts to execute His purpose by having a common purpose, and by giving their kingdom to the beast, until the words of God will be fulfilled.
This portion in the Bible takes place during the Tribulation when the antichrist will have complete rule over the earth. It states that the final ten nations of the world will surrender everything to him once and for all as he reigns unhindered, killing anyone who does not take his mark (Revelation 13). As a side note, he loses his mind trying once again to annihilate the Jews from the face of the earth, but God protects one third of the Jews as He keeps the promise of His covenant given to the tribes of Israel through Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. But let’s refocus on the ten nations (same as “horns”) mentioned in verse 16.
The United Nations has a plan called Agenda 2030. Essentially, the years preceding that year are a “blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all people and the world by 2030". In a nutshell, when you read the fine print, it will take a one world governing force to maintain this sustainability, but use “climate problems” as one of their excuses. Nonetheless, the United Nations is involved in the global takeover for Satan, along with the World Economic Forum. But what does the “ten nations” in Revelation 17 have to do with these guys? There is a big hint in a document entitled: Millennium Development Goals Report 2009, by the United Nations.
Using the same mantra of “climate control issues”, the United Nations has already broken down the world into ten regions in order to maintain and help control the slow destruction of the earth. On page 57 of the downloadable pdf (The Millennium Development Goals Report 2009), it outlines the plan in graphic form:
But let’s skip ahead to May 2018, where we find an article published by Politico, where a "10-nation coalition" is mentioned:
PARIS — Impatient with German foot-dragging on defense, French President Emmanuel Macron will bring together a 10-nation coalition of the willing next month designed to prepare European armed forces to take action together in emergencies, and to bind Britain into military cooperation as it leaves the EU.
Are these 10 nations the same as outlined by the United Nations? It remains to be seen, nonetheless I believe we’re living in the foreshadowing of “the ten horns”. In case you’re not aware of it, the prophet Daniel (Daniel 9:26) was given information about the “Revived Roman Empire” that will rare its ugly head again in the future. And of course, most teachers of Bible prophesy believe this to be the current European Union nations that were part of the original Roman Empire. It’s not a far stretch to see the reality of this conclusion.
I hope you’re beginning to see the picture, as the forces of darkness make inroads towards their goal, but more than likely completely unaware that God directs their paths that lead to His ultimate and only end game. Remember – God has always been in control, so much so, that only He can do all things in precise measure, down to the last minute of physical earthly time. He cannot and will not fail - period!