Written by JR Mayhugh Jr
The latest Bible prophecy coming to fruition?
Before the Gog and Magog war in Ezekiel 38 & 39 can begin, current day Saudi Arabia (known as "Sheba" in Ezekiel 38:13) must become a "friend" of Israel. Since 1948, the overwhelming number of Arab nations that have not supported Israel (to include the most influential of them all - Saudi Arabia) have threatened to end Israel's biblical claim to the land, the Temple Mount, and Jerusalem as its capital. But - as of March 8, 2021 (an article in the Israel Today website), there are signs that Saudi Arabia is on the path to fulfilling the Ezekiel 38:13 prophecy. The beginning stages of the new relationship with Israel came as a result of the peace accords signed by the UAE, Israel and Bahrain, on the front lawn of the White House on September 15, 2020. Since then, Saudi Arabia has begun to normalize its relationship with Israel, and soon may sign an Abraham accord as well.
For more details, and an outstanding video concerning the signs of the times, click on the following link: